Malteaser & Baileys Cheesecake Pots

I’m not too sure of the thought process that called these into being but I was pottering about the house one day when I was suddenly struck with it.  I had to make them, right that second!  So I did! And I am very, very glad that I did because these are lovely! Baileys and Malteasers are one of those combinations that just clicks.  The Baileys isn’t overpowering, more of a scent than a flavour, and it combines with the maltiness of the Malteasers wonderfully.  This dessert is a sure fire hit with almost every woman on the planet!

Makes 4

75g unsalted butter, melted
6 digestive biscuits, crushed
120g Malteasers, crushed (+4 for decoration)
250g marscapone
300ml double cream
4 tbsp icing sugar
4 tbsp Baileys

– Mix together the melted butter, crushed biscuits and crushed malteasers, reserving a few spoons of crushed Malteasers for decoration. 
– Press this mixture into the bottom of four glasses or ramekins. 
– Put the marscapone, double cream, icing sugar and Baileys in a bowl and use a hand held mixer to beat the ingredients together until forming peaks. 
– Spoon the cream mixture on top of the biscuits in the glasses. 
– Top each one with one whole and a sprinkling of crushed Malteaser. 
– Chill in the fridge until 20 minutes before serving, ideally leaving them for a few hours, then bring out to come to room temperature and serve.

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Filed under Desserts, Easy

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